Simplificăm cariera în beuaty pentru viitoare profesioniste ca și tine!

Cursuri • Instrumente • Resurse • Comunitate • Acces la experți

Simplificăm business-ul pentru profesioniști ca tine!

Cursuri • Instrumente • Resurse • Comunitate • Acces la experți

Atenție: Cosmeticiene

You're ready to launch your business BUT...

There’s just one problem. You feel completely lost. You have no idea where to start, and the digital landscape seems to be changing every other day.

There's funnels to create, copy to write, traffic to acquire, credibility to build, and one massive imposter syndrome to overcome.

The task seems daunting.

If you're anything like me you've probably spent thousands of dollars on online courses,  done-for-you services,  coaching,  and masterminds... BUT,  at the end of the day nothing seems to be working.

How can you launch and grow your business when you seem completely paralyzed by overwhelm?

the online industry can be financially lucrative, 

but you have So little time to learn

You're probably not an expert in:

 Creating Irresistible Offers

 Social Media

 Ads and Online Traffic

 Funnel Building


 Email Lists

 Growing a Tribe

 Automation Software

Chances are you struggle finding time, energy, and money to learn everything you need to get your business off the ground.

MentorMind+ Is The Perfect Solution for 

Any Entrepreneur 

Does Online success sometimes feel 

like gambling?

Online courses, gurus, and coaches claim to be the solution to launching your business and helping you create that coveted laptop lifestyle you've dreamt. So, if you're anything like me, you have "invested" thousands and thousands of dollars but most of the time you're left with more questions than answers.

It feels like you're playing a Las Vegas slot machine. 

You're guaranteed to put money in, but you're not guaranteed to take any out.


LaunchFuel is your one-stop shop for starting and scaling your online business. It’s a monthly membership crafted to deliver the community, coaching, and curriculum needed to launch your business quickly and inexpensively.

Build A Business Doing What You Love.

Most people like their job, but they don't love it. They crave the freedom and flexibility of being able to work from wherever they want, whenever they want, and sell whatever they want. LaunchFuel will show you how to build a business around your genius.

Master Your Message.

The secret to attracting the perfect clients and selling your products is mastering your online voice. With LaunchFuel University, you’ll learn how to communicate your message with clarity and confidence.

Maximize Your Time and Money.

Time is precious and money is scarce. MentorMind+ will help you focus on the right actions that won't waste your time and help you launch for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time coach or purchasing an online course.

Îl iubesc pe Chad, nu doar pentru talentul său incredibil, ci și pentru că are o inimă mare. Este cu adevărat un om uimitor și un prieten și mai bun.

- Liz Benny
Expert Interviu MentorMind +

How I Quit My Day Job in 

Less Than a Year After Working 

With Chad Thibodeaux

I'm Laurel Portie. Less than a year ago I was sitting in an office, tied down to my 9-5 corporate job. I was making a decent salary, and finding security in my healthcare and pension. However, I didn't have what I truly longed for - freedom and flexibility. 

I longed for the day I could resign and live my dream of being a full-time entrepreneur running my social media agency. I launched my agency as a side-hustle but it wasn't making nearly enough to support me and my new family. 

That's when I enrolled in Chad Thibodeaux's LaunchFuel University and met the man who would catapult my business and help me escape corporate life.  

I started applying everything I learned from Chad. His teachings were different. They took very complex marketing techniques and made them very simple to understand. I leveraged these trainings and turned them into thousands of dollars. In fact,  just 30-days after enrollment I had my first $10K month. It was the best investment I had ever made.

In just a few short months after enrollment I was making MORE than enough to not only get myself out of corporate life, but I was also able to retire my significant other as well. Together we work as full-time entrepreneurs,  traveling the world, and taking care of our aging parents. 

The community of entrepreneurs inside the LaunchFuel family have become some of my best friends,  biggest supporters, and highest paid clients. 

If you're thinking about joining MentorMind+ I want to encourage you to do it now. It'll be the best investment you'll ever make.

Our Core Curriculum is Your Trusted Roadmap

Want to see exactly what you’ll be learning through our Core Curriculum? Here’s a breakdown of the month-by-month Modules:

Module One: Clarify Your Brand Identity

This Module will help you put heart into your brand and infuse your platform with your unique personality.

Module Two: Establish Your Home Base

Inside this Module, you’ll learn how to build the a rock-solid foundation for your online platform.

Module Three: Create Compelling Content

Once you’ve set up your Home Base, you need to know how to communicate effectively with your ideal audience. This Module equips you to do just that!

Module Four: Establish Your Email List

Your email list is your most valuable business asset. This Module shows you how to set it up correctly from the get-go.

Module Five: Grow Your Email Audience

Now that you’ve established your email list, it’s time to grow it! This Module provides you with effective strategies to attract your ideal clients and customers to your email list.

Module Six: Establish Social Embassies

While your email list is a great start, it shouldn’t be your only avenue for connecting with your audience. In this Module, you’ll learn how to establish a memorable presence throughout social media.

Module Seven: Conduct Audience Research

The best people to tell you what they want to hear from you are your ideal clients and customers. But how do you know what to ask them to get the data you need? We’ve got you covered with this Module.

Module Eight: Introduce Your Initial Product

Once your online presence is established, it’s time to roll out your initial offering. Within this Module, you’ll receive step-by-step guidance for creating and offering your first product online.

Module Nine: Write Words That Sell

Messaging is key in getting your valuable services and products into the hands of your ideal clients and customers. This module will show you how to write copy that converts complete strangers into loyal followers, and customers.

Module Ten: Study Analytics and Optimization

The data may not be the most thrilling part of your online platform, but it’s definitely what helps you understand where you need to focus your attention. This Module teaches you which analytics you should be tracking, and why they’re important.

Module Eleven: Leverage Affiliate Marketing

Once your platform is attracting a growing audience, you can leverage its power through affiliate marketing. Learn how ethically, effectively make the most of that in this module.

Module Twelve: Launch Your Flagship Product

Every online business needs a core offer, something that packages up your best content into a premium flagship product. This Module will help you determine what your own flagship offering will be and give you the strategy to launch it with success!

Module Thirteen: Hone Your Platform Strategy

By now, you’ll have a thriving platform, and it’s time to level up. This Module is filled with techniques, tips and strategies to take your existing platform up a notch!

NOTE: With Month-to-Month Enrollment, additional Core Curriculum Modules are unlocked every 30 days. If you’re a fast-action taker and want them all unlocked at once, you’ll love our All-Access Annual Enrollment option. You’ll have the opportunity to choose this track after enrolling in Platform University.

More than 2500 clients

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Here's a Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the 

MentorMind+ Portal

Click the Videos Below To See Samples

The Core Curriculum

Module 7 Sample

The Experts Secret

Jim Edwards

the COACHING quick

Quick Tips with Chad

The Core Curriculum

Module 7 Sample

The Core Curriculum

Module 7 Sample


Funnel and Graphics Drop Sample

Plus: Receive A Treasure-Trove of Members-Only Bonuses

Map Your Message. 
This powerful PDF walks you through nine essential questions to help define your message and solidify your audience, even if you’re starting from square one. ($97 Value)
Map Your Message. 
This powerful PDF walks you through nine essential questions to help define your message and solidify your audience, even if you’re starting from square one. ($97 Value)
Map Your Message. 
This powerful PDF walks you through nine essential questions to help define your message and solidify your audience, even if you’re starting from square one. ($97 Value)
Map Your Message. 
This powerful PDF walks you through nine essential questions to help define your message and solidify your audience, even if you’re starting from square one. ($97 Value)
Map Your Message. 
This powerful PDF walks you through nine essential questions to help define your message and solidify your audience, even if you’re starting from square one. ($97 Value)

Plus Receive These Members-Only Bonuses

Kiss Writer’s Block Goodbye.
A ready-to-go workbook filled with sixty-five foolproof blog post ideas to take you from stuck to inspired in 60 seconds or less. With this, you’ll be writing more (and more often) in no time, without having to “push through”. ($97 Value)
Get the Attention Your Message Deserves.
This ebook outlines the top nine traffic-growth secrets from some of the best-known and most successful communicators in the world (including Tim Ferriss, Jon Acuff, and John Maxwell, among others). ($97 Value)
Access to The Platform University Learning Library Archive.
You’ll have access to an archive of five years worth of interviews with platform-building experts, coaching sessions with Platform University students, and training videos on topics ranging from podcast production to social media, and everything in between. ($1997 Value)
Private student community for Platform University Students.
Get the inspiration, encouragement, and help you need to succeed. Students who take full advantage of the community support have said that the group is worth the price of admission by itself. (Value = Priceless)

Plus Take Advantage of These Membership Benefits:

  • Access to all of your Platform University content on mobile, tablet, or desktop immediate upon enrollment
  • ​Dedicated customer service so you’ve always got an answer to your questions
  • ​Regular focused coaching from our Platform University Faculty
  • ​Go at your own pace with our personalized learning tracks
Let’s compare the routes you could take to build your platform.

Hiring an Agency ($$$)

Hiring an agency to run this for you would be about $5,000 per month.

Hiring an Agency ($$$)

Hiring an agency to run this for you would be about $5,000 per month.

Hiring an Agency ($$$)

You could join us here in Platform University and take advantage of your own personalized Success Path, which will guide you through the specific trainings you need to review and implement to build your profitable platform. If you get stuck at any point, you’ll have the support of our expert coaches and thousands of successful Platform members. And the best part is that this support is available to you for only $1.57/day.

Plus, get this Exclusive Bonus

if you enroll by 11:59 PDT on Wednesday, October 17!

Course Creation Jumpstart: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Online Course Your Audience Will Beg You to Buy

This bonus will give you the A-Z blueprint for building and selling a profitable online course. If you’re exploring this revenue strategy for your online platform, this bonus is a must-have.

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